Vita for Christopher Randall Wolfe

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Christopher Randall Wolfe

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115 Psychology Building
Department of Psychology
Miami University
Oxford, Ohio 45056
(513) 529-5670
FAX: (513) 529-2420

Present Position

Professor of Psychology, Miami University, Oxford Ohio. Director of Graduate Studies in Psychology; Director of the Doris Bergen Center for Human Development, Learning & Technology; Center for Psychological Inquiry. Affiliate of Educational Psychology. Graduate Faculty Status: Level A.

Previous Position (1989-2008)

Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies and Director of Quantitative Reasoning and Instructional Computing for the School of Interdisciplinary Studies, Miami University, Oxford Ohio (fall 1989 - spring 2008). Director of the Windate Writing Center (2007-08).


Ph.D. Cognitive Psychology, University of Pittsburgh, 1989. Dissertation: Information Seeking in the Context of Bayesian Conditional Probability Problems.
M.S. Cognitive Psychology, University of Pittsburgh, 1987.
M.S. General Psychology, University of Bridgeport, 1984.
B.A. Philosophical Analysis in the Behavioral Sciences, Denison University, 1981.

Research Training

1984 -1989: Research Assistant with James F. Voss, Learning Research and Development Center, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Research Interests

My research agenda is to work toward an integrated understanding of higher-order thinking, conceptual learning, and the potential of information technologies. Specific interests include medical decision-making, cognitive technologies, judgment and decision-making, reasoning and argumentation, interdisciplinary writing and thinking, analogical reasoning, web-based interventions, and the assessment of learning.

Teaching Interests

Psychology of Medical Decision Making, Judgment, Decision Making, and Reasoning; Psychology of Language & Thought Learning & Cognitive Technologies; Web-Based Psychological Research; Cognitive Psychology; Interdisciplinary Courses; Interdisciplinary Research; Advising Student Research.


A report of the impact of Dr. Wolfe's research, as measured by citations, can be found at


With Select Links to PDFs

Wolfe, C. R., Krishnan, D. G., Ortiz, S. N., & Triana, R. R. (2022). Facial appearance as core expression scales: Benchmarks and properties. Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery.

Hosseini, P., Wolfe, C.R., Diab, M., & Broniatowski, D. (2022). GisPy: A tool for measuring gist inference score in text. Conference paper, 4th Workshop on Narrative Understanding.

Wolfe, C. R., Eylem, A. A., Dandignac, M., Lowe, S. R., Weber, M. L., Scudiere, L., & Reyna, V. F. (2022). Understanding the landscape of web-based medical misinformation about vaccination. Behavior Research Methods.

Weil, M. A. & Wolfe, C. R. (2022). Individual Differences in Risk Perception and Misperception of COVID-19 in the Context of Political Ideology. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 36, 19-31. DOI: 10.1002/acp.3894

Wolfe, C. R. (2021) Fuzzy-Trace Theory and the battle for the gist in the public mind. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 10,527-531.

Wolfe, C. R., Dandignac, M., Wang, C., & Lowe, S. R. (2021). Gist Inference Scores predict cloze comprehension "in your own words" for native, not ESL readers. Health Communication, early online access, DOI: 10.1080/10410236.2021.1920690

Wolfe, C. R., & Dandignac, M. (2021). Revising flash fiction for Coh-Metrix: Experiential learning with discourse technologies. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 32(1), 123-140.

Dandignac, M., & Wolfe, C. R. (2020). Gist Inference Scores predict gist memory for authentic patient education cancer texts. Patient Education and Counseling, 103, 1562-1567.

Wolfe, C. R., Dandignac, M., Sullivan, R., Moleski, T., & Reyna, V. F. (2019). Automatic evaluation of cancer treatment texts for gist inferences and comprehension. Medical Decision Making. Online first.

Wolfe, C. R., Dandignac, M., & Reyna, V. F. (2019). A theoretically motivated method for automatically evaluating texts for gist inferences. Behavior Research Methods.

Wolfe, C. R., Cedillos-Whynott, E. M., Vanni, M. J. (2018). You Live in a Watershed! Informal environmental science education with a state park exhibit. Applied Environmental Education & Communication. DOI: 10.1080/1533015X.2018.1496863

Wolfe, C. R., Widmer, C. L., Torrese, C. V., & Dandignac, M. (2018). A Method for Automatically Analyzing Intelligent Tutoring System Dialogues with Coh-Metrix. Journal of Learning Analytics, 5, 222-234. DOI 10.18608/jla.2018.53.14

Sisney, M., Cummins, R. H., & Wolfe, C. R. (2018). Incidence of Black Band Disease, Brown Band Disease, and White Syndrome in Branching Corals on the Great Barrier Reef. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 214, 1-9.

Wolfe, C. R., Gao, H., Wu, M., & Albrecht, M. (2018). Most any reason is better than none: Consequences of plausible and implausible reasons and warrants in brief written arguments. Written Communication, 35, 255-285. DOI: 10.1080/0163853X.2016.1199626

Wolfe, C. R., Reyna, V. F., & Smith, R. J. (2018). On judgments of approximately equal. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 31, 151-163. Wiley Online

Wolfe, C. R., Reyna, V. F., Widmer, C. L., Cedillos, E., Weil, A. M., & Brust-Renck, P. G. (2018). Pumps and prompts for gist explanations in tutorial dialogues about breast cancer. Discourse Processes, 55, 72-91. DOI: 10.1080/0163853X.2016.1199626

Wolfe, C. R. (2017). Twenty years of Internet-based research at SCiP: A discussion of surviving concepts and new methodologies. Behavior Research Methods. First Online: DOI 10.3758/s13428-017-0858-x

Brust-Renck, P. G., Reyna, V. F., Wilhemls, E. A., Wolfe, C. R., Widmer, C. L., Cedillos-Whynott, E. M., & Morant, K. A. (2017). Active engagement in a Web-based tutorial to prevent obesity grounded in Fuzzy-Trace Theory predicts improved knowledge, gist comprehension, and endorsement of healthy values. Behavior Research Methods, 49, 1386-1398.

Wolfe, C. R., Reyna, V. F., Hu, Widmer, C. L., X., Brust-Renck, P. G., Cedillos, E. M., Hu, X., & Weil, A. M. (2016). Understanding genetic breast cancer risk: Processing loci of the BRCA Gist intelligent tutoring system. Learning & Individual Differences, 49, 178-189. DOI: 10.1016/j.lindif.2016.06.009.

Weil, A. M., Wolfe, C. R., Reyna, V. F., Widmer, C. L., Cedillos-Whynott, E. M., & Brust-Renck, P. G. (2015). Proficiency of FPPI and objective numeracy in assessing breast cancer risk estimation. Learning and Individual Differences, 43, 149-155.

Cedillos-Whynott, E. M., Wolfe, C. R., Widmer, C. L., Brust-Renck, P. G., Weil, A. M., & Reyna, V. F. (2015). The Effectiveness of argumentation in tutorial dialogues with an intelligent tutoring system. Behavior Research Methods on-line first, DOI 10.3758/s13428-015-0681-1.

Widmer, C. L., Wolfe, C. R., Reyna, V. F., Cedillos-Whynott, E. M., Brust-Renck, P. G., & Weil, A. M. (2015). Tutorial dialogues and gist explanations of genetic breast cancer risk. Behavior Research Methods, 47, 632-648.

Wolfe, C. R., Widmer, C. L., Weil, A. M., & Cedillos, E. M. (2015). Working with Pedagogical Agents: Understanding the "Back End" of an Intelligent Tutoring System. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 26,145-164.

Wolfe, C. R. & Cedillos, E. M. (2015). E-Communications Platforms and E-Learning. The International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition. Philadelphia, PA; Elsevier. > Wolfe, C. R., Cummins, R. H., Myers, C. A., & Cedillos, E. M. (2015). Scientific Inquiry and Exploratory Representational Play (p. 207-215). In D. P. Fromberg & D. Bergen (Eds.) Play from birth to twelve: Contexts, perspectives, and meanings (3rd edition).

Wolfe, C. R., Reyna, V. F., Widmer, C. L., Cedillos, E. M., Fisher, C. R., Brust-Renck, P. G., & Weil, A. M. (2015). Efficacy of a Web-based Intelligent Tutoring System for Communicating Genetic Risk of Breast Cancer: A Fuzzy-Trace Theory approach. Medical Decision Making, 35, 46-59. doi 0272989X14535983.

Fisher, C. R. & Wolfe, C. R. (2014). Are people naive probability theorists? A further examination of the Probability Theory + Variation Model. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 27, 5, 433-443.

Wolfe, C. R., Widmer, C. L., Reyna, V. F., Hu, X., Cedillos, E. M., Fisher, C. R., Brust-Renck, P. G., Williams, T. C., Damas, I., & Weil, A. M. (2013). The development and analysis of tutorial dialogues in AutoTutor Lite. Behavior Research Methods, 45, 623-636.

Fisher, C. R., Wolfe, C. R., Reyna, V. F., Widmer, C. L., Cedillos, E. M., & Brust-Renck P. G. (2013). A signal detection analysis of gist-based discrimination of genetic breast cancer risk. Behavior Research Methods, 45, 613-622. < Wolfe, C. R. & Fisher, C. R. (2013). Individual Differences in Base Rate Neglect: A Fuzzy Processing Preference Index. Learning and Individual Differences, 25, 1-11.

Wolfe, C. R., Fisher, C. R., & Reyna, V. F. (2012). Semantic coherence and inconsistency in estimating conditional probabilities. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. DOI: 10.1002/bdm.1756

Wolfe, C. R. (2012). Individual differences in the "MySide bias" in reasoning and written argumentation. Written Communication, 29, 474-498.

Fisher, C. R. & Wolfe, C. R. (2012). Teaching Bayesian parameter estimation, Bayesian model comparison, and null hypothesis significance testing using spreadsheets. Spreadsheets in Education (eJSiE), 5, Available at:

Wolfe, C. R., Fisher, C. R., Reyna, V. F., & Hu, X. (2012). Improving internal consistency in conditional probability estimation with an Intelligent Tutoring System and web-based tutorials. International Journal of Internet Science, 7, 38-54.

Fisher, C. R. & Wolfe, C. R. (2011). Assessing semantic coherence in conditional probability estimates. Behavior Research Methods, 43, 999-1002.

Wolfe, C. R. (2011). Argumentation across the curriculum. Written Communication, 28, 193-219. doi:10.1177/0741088311399236

Wolfe, C. R. (2011). Some empirical qualifications to the arguments for an argumentative theory. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 34, 92-93. doi:10.1017/S0140525X10002840

Wolfe, C. R. & Reyna, V. F. (2010). Assessing semantic coherence and logical fallacies in joint probability estimates. Behavior Research Methods, 42, 366-372.

Wolfe, C. R. & Reyna, V. F. (2010). Semantic coherence and fallacies in estimating joint probabilities. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 23, 203-223.

Wolfe, C. R., Britt, M. A., Petrovic, M., Albrecht, M., & Kopp, K. (2009). The efficacy of a web-based counterargument tutor. Behavior Research Methods, 41, 691-698.

Boix Mansilla, V., Dawes Duraisingh, L., Wolfe, C. R. & Haynes, C. (2009). Targeted Assessment Rubric: An empirically grounded rubric for interdisciplinary writing. Journal of Higher Education, 80, 334-353.

Wolfe, C. R., Britt, M. A., & Butler, J. A. (2009). Argumentation schema and the myside bias in written argumentation. Written Communication, 26, 183-209.

Carey, J. C., Wade, S. L., & Wolfe, C. R. (2008). Lessons learned: The effect of prior technology use on web-based interventions. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 11, 188-195.

Britt, M. A., Kurby, C. A., Dandotkar, S., & Wolfe, C. R. (2008). I Agreed with What? Memory for Simple Argument Claims. Discourse Processes, 45, 52-84.

Wolfe, C. R. & Britt, M. A. (2008). Locus of the my-side bias in written argumentation. Thinking & Reasoning, 14, 1-27.

Wolfe, C. R. (2007). Adaptive redundancy, denominator neglect, and the base-rate fallacy. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 30, 286-287.

Wolfe, C. R. (2007). Evaluating interdisciplinary research: Research Evaluation considers challenges in special issue. Association for Integrative Studies Newsletter, 29(3), 3-5.

Wolfe, C. R. (2006). Presidential address: Cognitive technologies for gist processing. Behavior Research Methods, 38,183-189.

Wolfe, C. R. (2006). SCiP at 35: An idiosyncratic history of the Society for Computers in Psychology. Behavior Research Methods, 38, 245-250.

Wade, S. L., Carey. J. & Wolfe, C. R. (2006). An online family intervention to reduce parental distress following pediatric brain injury. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 74, 445-454.

Wade, S. L., Carey. J. & Wolfe, C. R. (2006). The efficacy of an online cognitive-behavioral, family intervention in improving child behavior and social competence following pediatric brain injury. Rehabilitation Psychology, 51, 179-189.

Wolfe, C. R., Cummins, R. H., & Myers, C. A. (2006). Scientific inquiry and exploratory representational play (p. 199-206). In D. P. Fromberg & D. Bergen (Eds.) Play from birth to twelve: Contexts, perspectives, and meanings (2nd edition). New York: Routledge.

Wade, S. L. & Wolfe, C. R. (Editors, 2005). Special section of the journal Rehabilitation Psychology, Telehealth Interventions in Rehabilitation psychology: Postcards from the Edge. Rehabilitation Psychology,50(v 4).

Wade, S. L. & Wolfe, C. R. (2005). Commentary for Telehealth Interventions in Rehabilitation psychology: Postcards from the Edge. Rehabilitation Psychology, 50, 323-324.

Wade, S. L., Wolfe, C. R., Brown, T. M., & Pestian, J. P. (2005). Can a Web-Based Family Problem-Solving Intervention Work for Children with Traumatic Brain Injury? Rehabilitation Psychology, 50, 337-345.

Wolfe, C. R., Reyna, V. F., & Brainerd, C. J. (2005). Fuzzy-Trace Theory: Implications for Transfer in Teaching and Learning. Transfer of Learning from a Modern Multidisciplinary Perspective (p. 53-88). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Press.

Wade, S. L., Wolfe, C. R., Brown, T. M. & Pestian, J. P. (2005). Putting the Pieces Together: Preliminary Efficacy of a Web-Based Family Intervention for Children with Traumatic Brain Injury. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 30(5), 437-442. Available

Wade, S. L., Wolfe, C. R., & Pestian, J. P. (2004). A Web-Based Family Problem-Solving Intervention for Families of Children with Traumatic Brain Injury. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computing, 36, 261-269.

Wolfe, C. R. & Haynes, C. (2003). Interdisciplinary writing assessment profiles. Issues in Integrative Studies, 21, 126-169. pWolfe, C.R. & Haynes, C. (2003). Assessing interdisciplinary writing. Peer Review, 6, 12-14.

Wolfe, C. R. & Reyna, V. F. (2002). Using NetCloak to develop server-side Web-based experiments without writing CGI programs. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computing, 34, 204-208.

Wolfe, C.R. & Bilodeau, K. P. (2002). Shared responsibility for young children: A campus-and-community-based early childhood initiative. Technical Report of the Center for Human Development, Learning, and Teaching. Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. <>olfe, C. R., Myers, C. A., & Cummins, R. H. (2001). The Dragonfly Web Pages: Informal Science Education on the World Wide Web. Cognitive Technology, 6, 4-13. p lfe, C. R. (Ed.) (2001). Learning and Teaching on the World Wide Web. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.

Wolfe, C. R. (2001). Plant a tree in cyberspace: Metaphor and analogy as design elements in Web-based learning environments. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 4, 67-76. <>Wfe, C.R., Wang, A. Bergen, D., & Colquhoun, D. (1999-2000). The "Winning Teams" model of interactive satellite-based training: Application and evaluation. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 28, 185-207.

Wolfe, C.R., Wang, A. & Bergen, D. (1999). Assessing the Winning Teams Program of Interactive Satellite-Based Training. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 31, 275-280.

Wolfe, C.R., Halas, J.W., & Arthur, S. (1999). Scoring procedures manual for the scientific reasoning scenarios. Technical Report of the Center for Human Development, Learning, and Teaching. Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. Published on the Web at publications/scoringmanual.shtml

Wolfe, C.R., Crider, L., Mayer, L., McBride, M., Sherman, R., and Vogel, R. (1998). Toward a Miami University Model for internet-intensive higher education. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching,9, 29-51.

Wolfe, C. R., Cummins, R. H., & Myers, C. A. (1998). Dabbling, discovery, and dragonflies: Scientific inquiry and exploratory representational play. In D. P. Fromberg & D. Bergen (Eds.) Play from birth to twelve: Contexts, perspectives, and meanings. N.Y., N.Y.: Garland.

Wolfe, C. R. (1997). Count on This (a review of Lynn Arthur Steen (Ed.) (1997). Why Numbers Count: Quantitative Literacy for Tomorrow's America. Holt Publishing). Newsletter of the National Center for Cross-Disciplinary Teaching and Learning, 3, 3.

Wolfe, C. R., & Haynes, C. (1997). Reaching all students: Teaching quantitative reasoning. Dragonfly Teacher's Companion 2, 5-6.

Wolfe, C. R. (1996). Aha! Suddenly everything became crystal clear. Well, maybe? (a review of R. Sternberg and J. Davidson (Eds.) (1995) The Nature of Insight Cambridge, MA: MIT Press). Applied Cognitive Psychology, 10, 459-460.

Wolfe, C. R. & Myers C. A. (1996). The Dragonfly's web: Courseware for children created by college students on the World Wide Web. Behavioral Research Measurement, Instruments, and Computers, 28, 161-164.

Bailey, D., Wolfe, C. R. & Wolfe, D. M. (1996). The Contextual impact of social support across race and gender: Implications for African American women in the workplace. Journal of Black Studies, 26, 287-307.

Wolfe, C. R. (1995). Bridging the gap between intelligent tutoring systems and collaborative learning (a review of S. P. Lajoie and S. J. Derry (Eds.) (1993). Computers as Cognitive Tools. Hillsdale, N. J.: Erlbaum). Applied Cognitive Psychology, 9, 453-455.

Wolfe, C. R. (1995). Homespun hypertext: Student-constructed hypertext as a tool for teaching critical thinking. Teaching of Psychology, 22, 29-33.

Wolfe, C. R. (1995). Information seeking on Bayesian conditional probability problems: A fuzzy-trace theory account. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 8, 85-108.

Bailey, D., Wolfe, D. M. & Wolfe, C. R. (1994). With a little help from our friends: Social support as a source of well-being and of coping with stress. The Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 21, 127-152.

Wade, S. and Wolfe, C. R. (1994). Confusing zeitgeist with interdisciplinary studies (a review of Kitcher, P. (1992). Freud's Dream: A Complete Interdisciplinary Science of Mind. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press). Association for Integrative Studies Newsletter, 16, 4-5.

Wolfe, C. R. (1993). Quantitative reasoning across a college curriculum. College Teaching, 41, 3-9.

Wolfe, C. R. (1992). Using an authoring system to facilitate student-centered discovery oriented learning. Computers & Education: An International Journal, 19, 335-340.

Wolfe, C. R. (1992). Using Authorware Professional for developing courseware. Behavioral Research Measurement, Instruments, and Computers, 24, 273-276.

Wolfe, C. R. (1992). Flipping Frisbees and finding flowers: Developing statistical intuition. College Teaching, 40,60.

Voss, J. F., Wolfe, C. R., Lawrence, J., & Engle, R. (1991). From representation to decision: Problem solving in international relations. In R. J. Sternberg & P. Frensch (Eds.) Complex problem solving: Principles and mechanisms. Hillsdale, N.J.: LEA.

This document was first published on 2/5/96.